Mr. Tsien joined the Nationalist Army, which in 1928 helped defeat the warlords, unifying China. 钱存训加入了国民革命军,这支军队在1928年打败了军阀,统一了中国。
The Global Times, known for its nationalist bent, is not the sort of newspaper one expects to see pointing to the U.S. as an example for China to follow, though it has lately made a few noises about the need for greater transparency. 《环球时报》以民族主义倾向而闻名,人们一般不会期待这样一份报纸会将美国作为中国应当效仿的楷模,然而该报最近也就加大透明度的必要性发出了一些声音。
The foreign ministries of the two governments have been trying to calm tensions but the incident has sparked strong nationalist rhetoric in both China and the Philippines. 两国的外交部一直在试图平息紧张局势,但这一事件在两国都已引发强烈的民族主义言论。
But there is also a potentially dark side to the use of nationalist ideology in both Russia and China. 但在俄罗斯与中国利用民族主义思想方面,也潜在着黑暗的一面。
Besides cutting off the relations between nationalist, however, Acheson does not get any accomplishment in other aspects of his China policy. 但除了彻底断绝与国民政府关系方面有果断的决定外,对华政策的其他部分,艾其逊并未展现任何成果。
The capital of nationalist china; located in northern taiwan. 台湾的省会;位于台湾北部。
The Americans 'concern about the nationalist turn in Japanese politics is amplified, because they see the same trend in China. 而当美国人看到中国也有类似苗头时,他们对日本政坛的民族主义倾向就更加担心了。
There are also nationalist voices who are only too happy to play with fire in their dispute with China. 还有一些民族主义者很乐意拿日中争端玩火。
The coffee shop chain is only the latest foreign brand to be hit by a nationalist backlash in China. 这家咖啡连锁店只是最新一个在中国遭遇民族主义抵触情绪的外国品牌。
Taro Aso, secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic party and favourite to succeed Mr Abe, is known as a nationalist who has made comments that could be read as critical of China. 自民党总干事麻生太郎(TaroAso)是接替安倍的热门人选。麻生太郎素有民族主义分子之名,曾发表过中国可能认为很危险的言论。
The rhetoric of Mr Abe and some of his nationalist allies has been pointlessly offensive to China – particularly in its refusal to recognise the crimes committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during the second world war. 安倍晋三及其一些民族主义盟友的论调,特别是拒绝承认日本皇军在二战中犯下的罪恶,一直只是在毫无意义地激怒中国。
On the Entertaining Tendency of Popular Novels during tile Late Qing Dynasty and Early Nationalist Period; Multi-directions of the new-stream-music in China in 1980 ′ 论清末民初通俗小说的娱乐主义倾向20世纪80年代新潮音乐倾向的多样性
Such statements only fan nationalist pressures in China. 这种言论只会放大中国内部的民族主义压力。
Despite its tactfully nationalist name, Vale Brasil, the ship was made in South Korea and will help shift even more chunks of Brazil to China. 尽管淡水河谷圆滑地给这艘船起了一个带有民族主义色彩的名字VALEBRASIL,但它却是在韩国制造的,而且会帮助把更多的巴西资源运往中国。
On the Nationalist's Discussion of Government Staff Reduction and West China Development During the Anti-Japanese War From the analysis to the behavior of problems embodied in 抗战期间国民政府关于裁减公务员开发西北问题的讨论
The puppet regime followed the system of the former nationalist government, and served the Japanese imperialist strategy of "controlling China with the Chinese" and "supporting war with war". 傀儡组织和伪政权承继南京国民政府时期的相关制度,直接服务于日本帝国主义以华制华、以战养战政略。
On the other hand, in view of Chinese safety situation and the reality of northwestern region, the Nationalist Government set national defense at the heart of developing northwest China and established communication and water conservancy as the starting point. 另一方面,鉴于国家面临的安全形势和西北的实际状况,又确立了以国防建设为中心、以交通和水利建设为起点的开发重点。
In order to avoid possible confrontation among the world powers over China and cope with the ever-growing nationalist tide in China, the United States put forward a series of policy ideas at the Washington Conference for the Solution of the China Question, known as the Washington Formula. 为了避免由于列强对中国的争夺导致大国之间的冲突和应对中国日益高涨的民族主义浪潮,美国在华盛顿会议提出一整套解决中国问题的政策思想,即华盛顿方案。
The Nationalist period in China was an important turning point from the traditional to the modern in the historical studies of paintings. 民国时期是中国绘画史学从传统画史向现代绘画史学转型的重要时期。
The first section of this paper deals with the background of the university council and the university district based on the educational independent thought in the education independent thought in Nationalist China. 论文正文第一部分介绍了大学院和大学区制产生的背景。大学院和大学区制的创立基于教育独立的思想,它产生的背景是民国时期的教育独立思潮;
Historical Function of Liang Qichao's Nationalist Ideology in the Process of China's Modernization 梁启超民族主义思想在中国现代化进程中的历史地位
Nationalist Discourse and Modern China 民族主义话语与现当代的中国
Cai Yuanpei, the eminent educator in Nationalist China, is the main advocator and leader of the university council and university district, "the case of university council" is also the turning point of his life. 大学院和大学区制的主要倡导者和领导人是民国时期著名教育家蔡元培,大学院事件也是蔡元培人生的一大转折。
Contradiction between cultural inferiority complex and nationalist sentiments was an obvious characteristic of mainstream intellectuals in Modern China. 文化自卑感与民族主义情绪的矛盾,乃近世中国主流知识分子的一大特色。文化自卑感的表现,在于以为,华夏文化过去的种种,不足以言道,道是在西方。
Under the influence of modern Chinese nationalist movement, Christian adapt to china actively. 在近代中国民族主义运动的影响下,基督教积极进行自我调适。
Second, to promote the spread of Marxism in China in nationalist and popularized way, we should always pay attention to and answer the contemporary issues of social development in China. 第二推进马克思主义在中国的传播,实现马克思主义的中国化、大众化、时代化,就必须始终关注并回答中国社会发展的时代课题。